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DIY or Hire a Pro? How to Choose the Right Approach for You

career executives job seekers leadership professional development profile sales strategy young professionals Apr 18, 2023
DIY or Hire a Pro?

Stumped on whether or not to take on something yourself or rely on the expertise of a pro? Knowing when to take a DIY versus an expert approach is not always easy. For me, I can think back to times when I tried something myself first only to realize later that hiring an expert would have saved me lots of time and frustration. But, the right answer is not always cut and dry. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each. 

DIY Approach 

  • Cheaper 
  • Uses existing resources 
  • Enables skill development 
  • Less efficient/time-suck
  • Prone to blindspots

Expert Approach 

  • More efficient 
  • Less likely to be wrong or need re-doing 
  • Can generate better results 
  • More expensive 
  • Requires finding the right person or team 

When to Hire an Expert 

If you’re trying to decide between a DIY or an expert approach, remember there’s nothing wrong with either choice. Each path has its place. As a business owner myself, I understand that there are times to hire a pro and times to figure it out on my own. It’s for this exact reason that I offer a range of options to serve my clients.

For example, when it comes to refreshing their LinkedIn profiles, some people prefer a self-paced option that equips them with the knowledge they need to do it themselves. For folks in this camp, I provide tons of information here on LinkedInsider, free guides like my Rock Your LinkedIn Profile Guide, and The Complete LinkedIn Profile Course™.  Other clients are after a more concierge-style, done-for-you approach, like The Profile Transformer™ where I take care of all the heavy lifting and ensure my clients are putting their best foot forward on LinkedIn. 

If you’re on the fence about trying something on your own or hiring an expert, consider whether any of the statements below sound like you. Clients who hire us for our “platinum-level” service usually do so for one or more of the following reasons. 

  • Fresh Perspective: “I don’t know what I don’t know and want the perspective of someone well-versed in this area.” 
    If you’re in this boat, kudos to you for being self-aware. Consider that honest input from someone who knows what they’re talking about can pay dividends down the road if it enables you to level up your current approach. Plus, the ugly truth is usually a little more palatable from someone outside your team who can lend a fresh pair of eyes. 

  • Lack of Time: “I don’t have the time to dedicate to this, but it’s a priority for me.” 
    Whether or not you’re capable of taking on the challenge is not the most important question you should be asking when your plate is already full (or overfull). If time is your biggest challenge, hiring a pro could be a great strategic move for you and your business. An expert might enable you to focus your time on other responsibilities while still enabling you to make traction in a priority area of your business. 

  • Lack of Expertise: “Even if I had the time, I probably wouldn’t have tackled this yet because I don’t know how.” 
    There’s no shame in asking for help. None of us knows everything about everything. Recognizing when you might be out of your depth is an invaluable quality in a business leader. If expertise, rather than time, is your barrier to doing it yourself, consulting an expert might be the right move. Alternatively, consider a hybrid approach, like a paid course, that allows you to execute the task with the help of expert knowledge. 

One more thing to think about—you should always weigh the consequences of a DIY-gone-wrong situation. Messing up something big, like your online reputation, can have huge consequences for your business, while other missteps can be salvaged more easily. If the expense of making a mistake is significant, the cost of hiring an expert might be worth it. 


Key Takeaways

In life and business, we’re faced with many choices. Most, like choosing between a DIY or expert approach, are not black-and-white. Navigating the gray area requires careful consideration. Ultimately, the right option for you comes down to your priorities. 

For the perfect blend of expert and DIY, check out my guide, 9 Weekly Habits of a LinkedIn MVP. You’ll get free access to my brain so you’re equipped to master the game of networking on LinkedIn. Get ready to win more on LinkedIn with my tips.


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