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Why LinkedIn’s Featured Section Is Worth More Than 1,000 Words

career executives job seekers linkedin features marketing quick tip recruiting strategy young professionals Jun 25, 2024
Featured Sections Are Worth More

One of the most common mistakes I see on LinkedIn is when people essentially copy and paste their resumes into their profiles and call it a day. Comparing your resume to your LinkedIn profile is a little like comparing a picture to a movie. Sure there are some similarities between the two, but LinkedIn’s capabilities to communicate a more engaging, interactive story are so much greater than a resume. Used correctly, LinkedIn’s dynamic visual features can add depth, create connections, and support a clearer understanding of who you are. 

One of the best and most prominent areas of your profile to take advantage of this capacity of LinkedIn is the “Featured” section. Because it falls toward the top of your profile, before your work experience and other accolades, it serves as an ideal way to spotlight or summarize the key takeaways from your profile. The Featured section allows you to “pin” LinkedIn posts, link to a LinkedIn article or newsletter, add a hyperlink, or include a media file, such as a pdf or jpg.


The ways you can use this section to further your professional goals or highlight your core values are nearly endless. For example, if you’re publicly job searching, you might consider featuring your professional website or a pdf of your resume. If you’re a leader who is hiring for a role, you might use the Featured section to highlight your careers page or a current job opening. Here are some of the other ways I teach my clients to use the Featured section: 

  • Share a team or culture video 

  • Showcase high-performing LinkedIn posts (or posts you want to get more visibility)

  • Link to educational resources 

  • Promote an upcoming event

  • Create a custom image to showcase your company culture or volunteer work

  • Provide easy access to your calendar or booking link 

What’s great about your LinkedIn profile is that it’s not static. In fact, I recommend coming back to your profile regularly to keep your content current. The Featured section is one of the easiest to update. Here’s how to add new featured work to your profile from the desktop version of LinkedIn: 

  1. First, head over to your LinkedIn profile. 

  2. If you don’t have anything in the Featured section yet, click the “Add profile section” button in the top right area of your profile and select “Add featured” under the “Recommended” profile sections.

  3. If you already have at least one featured work sample, simply click the “+” button on the Featured section of your profile to get started. 

  4. Next, select the type of featured work you’d like to add from the dropdown menu.

  5. Follow the prompts to complete the steps for the type of item you selected.

    Pro Tip: For Featured items that allow a title and description, I recommend updating these fields to include information that will be helpful to your viewers. Including your contact information is also a good way to let interested viewers continue the conversation. 

  6. To complete the process, select the blue “Done” or “Select” button if it appears. 

  7. Always double-check that a clear, coherent image populates on your profile; LinkedIn will auto-populate the thumbnail.

  8. To update, delete, or reorder work in your Featured section, select the pencil icon at the top right of the section and follow the prompts. 

There are plenty of opportunities to be creative and strategic in the Featured section of your LinkedIn profile. Have a brainstorming session and think about what visual, engaging elements you can use to add depth and interest to your professional story. It’s an easy way to elevate your digital presence. 

If you are a sales leader who is looking to bring the latest trends and tips that work for leveling up your sales team, I've got an idea! What about hiring me to speak at your next incentive trip or awards meeting? Reach out to [email protected] and let’s talk about your upcoming event to see if we’re a match!



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