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Hidden Gems: LinkedIn’s Most Forgotten Yet Powerful Features

company page executives inmail job seekers linkedin features marketing mobile app profile quick tip recruiting strategy young professionals Jul 09, 2024

Have you ever noticed a store or house along your commute for the first time, even though it’s been there forever? Or perhaps, you just recently discovered a keyboard shortcut that’s new to you, but not new at all. It’s amazing how much we miss right under our noses. So often, we get stuck in the rut of our own way of doing things that we totally miss out on something interesting or exciting in the process. 

LinkedIn can be a lot like this for many of my clients. They have their bearings in certain areas of the platform, but they neglect to recognize some of the best parts of using LinkedIn. Of course, there will always be interface changes and new settings, but my favorite little-known features of LinkedIn are tried and true and (hopefully) not going anywhere anytime soon. 

Here’s my list of LinkedIn’s hidden gems. Are you already making the most of these cool little tips and tricks? If not, mix it up this week and give them a try. 


LinkedIn allows users on any free or paid account to send and receive audio messages. A short recording piques interest and offers a more personal alternative to a typed message. Plus, audio is a great way to stand out in your recipient’s inbox. To take advantage of this feature, you’ll need to use the mobile app version of LinkedIn. 

My favorite way to use LinkedIn audio messages is to wish my connections a happy birthday or share a note of congratulations. Even though recording an audio message is just as easy as typing out a short message, sharing words in your own voice adds a special, more meaningful touch. 

Audio Message LinkedIn

Pro Tip: Include a brief written message with your audio message to give the recipient a heads up on what the audio message contains.


Yep, you knew I had to include recommendations in my list of best overlooked LinkedIn features. I encourage nearly all the clients I work with to spend focused time in the recommendations section of their profile because it’s just that powerful. 

Requesting LinkedIn recommendations allows you to establish credibility in your industry, and giving recommendations to others is a great way to solidify a relationship and demonstrate your gratitude. Plus, because your name, profile, and headline show up on the profiles of the people you compliment, recommendations act like a miniature billboard on your recipient’s LinkedIn profile. It’s a win-win. 

In case you missed it, here’s my latest article on why and how to give and request LinkedIn recommendations. If you do one thing this month to improve your LinkedIn presence, this should be it.

Away Message:

If you’re looking forward to an upcoming vacation or even if you’re prepping to be OOO (out of office) for a conference or work event, don’t forget to add your LinkedIn away message to your pre-travel checklist. Similar to your email out-of-office responder, the LinkedIn away message automatically sends a message of your choosing to folks who send you a LinkedIn message while you’re gone. 

Available on any LinkedIn paid subscription, LinkedIn’s away message feature can help you avoid a misunderstanding if you’re unable to respond quickly. It’s also a great tool to facilitate rest and help you disconnect from work when you’re on vacation. You can find the simple, step-by-step instructions to get started with this feature in my article, “Making the Most of Your LinkedIn Away Message.”

Connections Export: 

Ever wonder who’s really in your network? Many people don’t realize that you can export a list of your LinkedIn connections into a spreadsheet that includes the following pieces of information about each person in your network: 

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Primary employer

  • Primary title

  • Primary email address (if the connection chose to share this)

  • When you connected 

Exporting your connections is a tactic I teach as part of The CRROWN Method™, a strategic framework that countless clients have used to identify the warmest leads in their networks and yield sales results. One of my clients booked FORTY (yes, 4-0) meetings in one month of implementing this proven method.

Don’t let the comfort of your normal routine keep you from taking advantage of all that LinkedIn has to offer. A little investment of your time and curiosity can pay dividends in the results you experience on LinkedIn. 

Ready to put your learning into practice? Check out my 3 Proven Principles Training, an on-demand training, led by me, where I’ll introduce you to The CRROWN Method™, profitably tap your network, and equip you to immediately take advantage of some of LinkedIn’s hidden gems.


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