Get the LinkedIn News You Actually Care About With This Simple Tip
Oct 17, 2023
Raise your hand if you spend any amount of time going to people’s profiles to view their activity. If you’re selling anything, courting a new hire, or just don’t want to miss the latest from your favorite influencer, you know exactly what I mean.
I’ll admit, it’s super nice to be able to step back in time via LinkedIn’s Activity feature and catch up on old posts you might have missed. I spent lots of time doing the same exact thing. Until I discovered, there’s an easier way.
Three words for you: Tap the bell!
Here’s what I mean. When you connect with people on LinkedIn, you also follow them. And when you follow people on LinkedIn, by default, you’ll get notified of their top posts. But did you know that you can actually take it a step further? For people you follow, tap the bell icon at the top right corner of their profile to get notified of all their posts.
Learn More: When and How to Follow People on LinkedIn
In effect tapping, the bell will inject a little more of that person into your Feed. So, it’s a win-win for you. Your newsfeed just got a little more relevant AND you’re less likely to miss the news you actually care about from the people that matter to you most in your network. If at any point you no longer want to see all of a person’s posts, you can easily turn down the volume by clicking the bell again. Tapping the bell a second time returns the profile to the default setting—only notifying you of top posts.
Why You Should Tap the Bell Icon on Prospect Profiles
If you’ve been around here a while, you know how much I value connecting with purpose. I love this bell icon feature because it’s a great way to help you build relationships on LinkedIn. Salespeople especially, listen up! When you stay in the loop with your prospects via this feature, you’re that much more likely to engage regularly with their content, notice important milestones, and—most importantly—leverage that information toward authentic, thoughtful, and human outreach.
Yes, there are ways to do this without tapping the bell, but why not make it easier on yourself? Once you’ve turned on the setting, all you’ll need to do is refresh your newsfeed to find a wealth of opportunities to connect.
“When you stay in the loop with your prospects with the bell icon feature, you’re that much more likely to engage regularly with their content, notice important milestones, and—most importantly—leverage that information toward authentic, thoughtful, and human outreach.” - Lindsey McMillion Stemann
So take five minutes right now and jot down a list of all the people in your network you want to prioritize. Then, go to their profiles and tap away. When you experience a win from this strategy, let me know. I’d want to hear about it!
Feeling energized by this simple but powerful tip? I have more where that came from. I give you access to my key tactics (that clients pay top dollar for!) in my digital resource: 3 Proven Principles to Accessing Your Target Market on LinkedIn (And Land More Clients!) Check it out…your future self will thank you.