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Adopting The KISS Method To Your Decision Making leadership learn linkedin tools marketing sales strategy success story tips Mar 31, 2021

In a recent masterclass, I asked my attendees to hop into chat and give me a “Yes!” if this question resonated with them:

How many of you have fallen victim to overcomplicating something that was never made to be complex?

The example I shared was me and my husband trying to get clever...

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Quickstart Guide To Publishing Articles On LinkedIn linkedin tools networking tips training Mar 04, 2021

I’ve covered a lot about why publishing articles on LinkedIn is one of the most effective ways to bring value to your network and reach a wider audience. If you’re still not convinced, feel free to give 4 Steps to Grow Your LinkedIn Audience and/or 1 Powerful Way to Bring Value On...

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1 Powerful Way To Bring Value On LinkedIn content engagement learn linkedin tools networking professional development tips Feb 24, 2021

You have more knowledge in your brain than you realize. So, why are you keeping it to yourself in between your ears? It’s time to share your expertise! 

As often as our team at McMillion Consulting talks about the importance of showcasing your expertise through the sections in...

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4 Steps To Grow Your Audience On LinkedIn engagement learn linkedin tools marketing social selling tips training Feb 19, 2021

LinkedIn is commonly seen as a tool to connect with your professional network, but it is also a rich environment to expand your network to entirely new audiences.

One of the lesser known features on LinkedIn is a newsletter page. If you’re not familiar, these are regularly published...

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Fear Is A Liar leadership learn linkedin tools networking professional development success story tips Feb 09, 2021

Is it just me or did you read a lot about mindset in 2020? 

A powerful lesson I have known for years, but am diligently working to put into practice is:

Fear is a liar, but it's not an enemy. 

What are you actually afraid of? 

What is the worst thing that can happen?

What are the...

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Give Them A Reason: Deep Dive engagement marketing networking professional development social selling strategy tips training Feb 03, 2021

Recently, I wrote an article about how to never be ghosted on LinkedIn again. If you haven’t read it, check it out here first: Give Them a Reason.

To get the most out of LinkedIn, my team and I are focusing on providing actionable ways for you to grow your business and leverage your network...

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9 Ways To Be A Team Player On LinkedIn leadership learn linkedin tools networking professional development strategy tips training Jan 27, 2021

As a wee one, my short-lived stint in gymnastics came to a screeching halt when my fear of the trampoline paralyzed me from becoming the next Shannon Miller or Dominique Dawes. I then transitioned into softball, which ultimately was not fast enough for me. Alas, I finally landed my feet in the...

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The Snowball Effect linkedin tools networking professional development profile development social selling strategy tips training Jan 20, 2021

Did you know that more than 57% of LinkedIn traffic is on the mobile app?

It makes sense, right? Like other social platforms, we want to scroll through our feed and catch updates from our network.

This also means that LinkedIn is optimized for on-the-go networking.

So, I have a challenge for you:...

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I Have A Confession learn linkedin tools marketing strategy tips Jan 12, 2021

Creating efficient systems, improving processes, staying active, being relevant, consistently bringing value, always learning, remembering to implement, generously giving, continuously innovating... My heart began racing just typing this short list of functions and, quite frankly,...

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1 Simple & Overlooked Tool To Boost Your Brand branding learn linkedin tools networking professional development social selling strategy tips training Jan 06, 2021

Whether you’re an employee or a business owner, a great LinkedIn company page can serve you and your network well.

When you think about LinkedIn, you might only think about growing your network, building your personal profile and sharing content—too often, the company page gets...

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Invite Them In branding general learn marketing strategy Dec 22, 2020

Being invited to a special event has always made me feel good—the fact that someone thought about me and took the time to extend a personal invitation makes me feel included, cared about and important. If you’re not with me, you’re kidding yourself.

It’s that stamped...

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Get In The Lead On Sales Navigator learn linkedin tools marketing networking professional development sales social selling strategy tips Dec 15, 2020

When you’re winning new business, (almost) any leg up over the competition is worth it. So, I’ve saved you the headache of figuring out how to organize your leads on LinkedIn. Just a little leading by example, if you will…

Start with the lead list feature in your Sales...

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