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Verified? Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Verifications career executives job seekers networking professional development quick tip sales social selling strategy young professionals Jan 30, 2024

Like other social platforms, LinkedIn has a process to let users verify their identities. It’s the LinkedIn equivalent of the blue checkmark…kind of. I’ll get into the details below. Armed with all the right info, you can make an informed decision about whether or not...

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LinkedIn Lindseyā€™s ABCs Of Sales: Part 2 learn linkedin tools professional development sales strategy training Jan 23, 2024

Throughout my years in sales, I’ve collected quite a few pearls of sales wisdom—some through mentors and thought leaders I respect and others through the scraped knees and victories of my own personal experience. If I had to boil down all the tips and tricks to just three, they...

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This Year at Work: What You Need to Know to Succeed in 2024 career executives job seekers leadership recruiting strategy team-building young professionals Jan 16, 2024

From the pandemic and ChatGPT to the Great Resignation and “Quiet Quitting,” employees and leaders have weathered a lot in the past few years. Just when we adjust to one norm, something new upends the workplace. 

Let’s face it—change is inevitable. The only way...

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LinkedIn Lindseyā€™s ABCs Of Sales: Part 1 learn linkedin tools professional development sales strategy training Jan 09, 2024

If you’re not a total sales newbie, you’ve probably already figured out that there are countless sales experts and sales philosophies out there. While dozens of sales pros have made an impact on me, some of my favorite local (to me) voices in the sales world include John...

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3 Features That Make LinkedIn More Accessible career linkedin features quick tip social selling strategy team-building Jan 02, 2024

I’m constantly preaching the importance of authenticity on LinkedIn. Whether your career is nonlinear or your experience is nontraditional, there’s room to embrace your whole story on LinkedIn. Diversity makes the workplace—and your network—stronger. 

The leaders and...

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Best of LinkedInsider 2023 career company page executives inmail job seekers linkedin marketing mobile app profile quick tip recruiting sales social selling strategy success story young professionals Dec 26, 2023

Call it seasonal nostalgia or the colder weather, but I’m in a reflective mood lately. I feel like I blinked and yet another fantastic year at McMillion Consulting has come to a close. 

When I think about it, we really covered a lot this year. From celebrating client wins and sharing ...

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Running Out of InMail Credits? Maybe It's Time to Rethink Your LinkedIn Outreach Strategy inmail linkedin features quick tip sales social selling strategy Dec 19, 2023

InMail, a type of LinkedIn message, allows you to reach out to certain LinkedIn members, even if you’re not a first-degree connection. For each subscription type, LinkedIn Premium offers a varying number of InMail credits per month. 

Learn More: Should You Pay For LinkedIn? Your...

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Anatomy of a Win: How Randolph Shingler Showcases His Team on LinkedIn company page leadership marketing profile sales social selling strategy success story team-building Dec 12, 2023

Here at McMillion Consulting, we love cheering clients on and celebrating their wins. Our Anatomy of a Win series showcases stories from professionals who experienced a notable business victory as a result of implementing a tool or strategy they learned from our work together.

The Challenge


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LinkedInsider Top Hits: LinkedIn Profiles executives job seekers linkedin features marketing networking profile quick tip social selling young professionals Dec 05, 2023

If you’ve been around here for any amount of time, you probably already know how I preach that any effective LinkedIn strategy MUST start with the LinkedIn profile. It’s the cornerstone of your digital presence. Frankly, no matter how great your posts are or how slick your company...

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Why Right Now is the Best Time to Start a LinkedIn Newsletter executives linkedin features marketing sales strategy young professionals Nov 28, 2023

If you’re anything like me, your inbox is full of newsletters. I, for one, am such a fan of this direct-to-me, drip of regular content. More and more, my own diet of news and ideas includes LinkedIn newsletters. From brands and companies to top LinkedIn influencers, so many experts are...

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The 2023 LinkedInsider Gift Guide company page executives linkedin features marketing profile quick tip sales social selling strategy Nov 21, 2023

The holidays always sneak up on me! You too? I promise, there’s no need to fret about what to get your newest hire, your brother-in-law in finance, or the coworker you drew in this year’s Secret Santa. Lucky for both of us, I did a little pre-holiday gift scouting. 

Of course, I...

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Dear Entrepreneur, Itā€™s Okay to Change Your Mind career leadership professional development strategy young professionals Nov 14, 2023

The moment is seared into my brain. That is, the exact moment I knew I had hit burnout. I was about to get on a prospect call, and I couldn’t find my phone anywhere. I drove home from the office and back before I finally found it. In the office fridge!

At the time, I was juggling so...

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