LinkedInsider Top Hits: Team-Building
Mar 14, 2023
Success doesn’t happen alone. Behind every championship win, startup success, and box office hit is a team of people working together. Whether you’re a solopreneur with an army of contractors supporting you or a large corporate company with thousands of employees, your team matters. Revisit these top-hit LinkedInsider articles to tap into the power of the cadre of people in your corner.
Note: Click the teal titles below to access each article!
3 Truths You Need to Know About Delegating
Does asking for help make you feel uncomfortable? You’re not alone. It’s humbling sometimes to speak up when you need support, but that’s why teams exist! If you’ve reached a point where you know it’s time to start delegating your tasks to others, this article is for you. Learn how and why your team can be your biggest asset.
How to Involve Your Team with LinkedIn
For a busy leader wearing many different hats, managing your LinkedIn the right way can feel like a daunting task. Luckily, your team can help. From keeping up with your company page engagement to leading the charge on client research, check out all the tasks I recommend delegating—and watch out for the ones you should consider not sharing with your team.
10 Must-Have Digital Tools for Teams
Want to help your team become even more effective? Maybe it’s time to upgrade your toolset. With so many digital platforms available for teams, knowing where to start can be difficult. That’s why I compiled my favorites into a tried-and-true list my team and I love. Check out this article for our 10 must-have digital tools.
4 Easy Ways to Support Female Entrepreneurs
When you think about it, you’ll see your team is probably broader than the people you call coworkers. Consider all the other people in your community who help you succeed—from your mastermind group and mentors to your LinkedIn network. All of us have leaned on the support of others at one point or another. Why not pay it forward? In this article, I share four easy ways to support female entrepreneurs in your circle.
How to Choose the Right Format for Your Meeting
Sometimes a little tweak in the status quo is all you need to move the needle. Before you schedule your next meeting, take a step back and consider what you and your team need to be successful. Is a video call really the best format to support your goals? Perhaps a quick email would do the trick instead. This guide provides an easy resource to help you match your team meetings to the right format. (Trust me, your team will thank you!)
3 Tips to Make LinkedIn a Team Sport
A winning mindset on LinkedIn is a team mindset. That’s because networking is inherently relationship-oriented. Start uncovering more value from LinkedIn with a few new habits, all centered on supporting the people around you. When you apply these three tips, you’ll find that making LinkedIn a team sport is as gratifying as it is effective.
5 Reasons to Invest in Professional Development
Professional development too often lands on the back burner. You probably know it’s important, but don’t always do it or support it in your teams. Check out this article to see why investing in learning has legitimate business benefits you won’t want to delay. See what professional development can do for your career, your team, and your business.
LinkedIn is the perfect place to uplift and connect with the people on your team. To make the most of it, don’t neglect your presence on the platform. You can put your best foot forward for the people in your network by making sure your profile is an accurate reflection of who you are and what you do. My free Rock Your LinkedIn Profile Guide is the perfect starting point to do just that. In only three steps, you’ll discover how to maximize this important business tool.